Photography has changed the way I see the world around me.

Through it I discover new things and rediscover old ones. Like my island, New Caledonia.

This blog is just me sharing my world through my photography.

Hope you enjoy.

Posts tagged dish

Hiroshima, Japan

I hope you enjoyed the photos and video of our first day in Japan. With this photo I start our second day in Japan, which brings us to Hiroshima.

I’ve spoken about this dish on a previous post so I may repeat myself a little here. Okonomiyaki is a savoury pancake-style dish widely available all over the country. Hiroshima is most famous for their style and, I must admit, I love it. A thin pancake base topped with lots cabbage, fried noodles, pork belly, egg, cheese and other thing I can’t remember. One portion is quite large and I didn’t think I would finish but I did and with ease. Okonomiyaki doesn’t stuff you. I felt full but not bloated. Accompanied with a Japanese beer just tops the whole experience.

Goemon is the restaurant we went to for the experience. Located on the second floor of the ASSE building which is located just at the east exit of Hiroshima Station. You’ll see the advertisement for it as you walk through the station. We can highly recommend Goemon Okonomiyaki Restaurant.

28 mm, 1/80th second @ ƒ/5.6, ISO 1000