Photography has changed the way I see the world around me.

Through it I discover new things and rediscover old ones. Like my island, New Caledonia.

This blog is just me sharing my world through my photography.

Hope you enjoy.

Posts tagged parish

First off, I have to apologies for not catching the name of this group. This was the last performance of the day and unfortunately the other dance videos of this group didn't turn out at all. They were very jumpy and choppy. Don't know what happened there but the videos weren't usable.

This is another Wallisian, and I think Futunan, dance group. Very different dances compared to Pacifika. You'll notice at the bottom of this video, on the ground, some wood-carved weapons. They used them in their previous dances but, as I mentioned above, those videos aren't available. Just like Tahiti Nui, this group had their own musicians. 


Here's the second video from last weeks post, Fête Paroissiale. I have one more that I'll post in the next couple of days.

Pacifika is a Wallisian dance group. Male and female dancers of all ages here unlike the Tahiti Nui group. Some of the male dances are very powerful and can even seem aggressive. One of the dances seem to depict a confrontation of two groups. It also reminds me of Kata in martial arts. Looking at the female dances, you'd be mistaken to think there's only upper body movement. But pay close attention to the feet movement in some of the standing dances. They're small and subtle but have quite an impact on the dance. Pacifica dance to traditional and more modern music. An impressive group to watch.


In last week's post, Fête Paroissiale, I said I was going to share a couple of compilation videos of the dance groups.

This first of three videos is of Tahiti Nui. A Tahitian dance group with their own musicians. You'll see that they have very young musicians and dancers, as young as four years old. An all female dance group with beautiful costumes



A small fair was organised to raise funds for the parish of Église Du Vœu (Noumea, New Caledonia). I arrived a little early, toward the end of the preparations, to take some photos. Which is why you don't see many people but in the end there was a good turn out. As you can see from the photos there were plants, clothes, fresh produce, homemade dishes, books, barbecued skewers and even games for the kids. But that wasn't all. They had a show of Tahitian and Walisian dances of all ages, starting as young as four (4) years old. Adorable! I didn't photograph the dances because I was too busy filming them. I'll put them into a couple of small videos to share.