Photography has changed the way I see the world around me.

Through it I discover new things and rediscover old ones. Like my island, New Caledonia.

This blog is just me sharing my world through my photography.

Hope you enjoy.

Posts tagged Kyoto


photo of the day

I was a little apprehensive of the Iwatayama Monkey Park, thinking I may see some of them in poorly maintained cages and even mistreated but nothing could’ve been further from the truth. I knew there were monkeys running freely in the open but pleasantly surprised to see all them free to roam. The only cage was the resting place, shop and feeding area all in one. And that’s for the humans. It’s to protect us from the monkeys potentially snatching or worst attacking for food. I overheard someone say it was the first time he’d seen an animal looking at humans in a cage. A minute later I snapped this photo.

1/8000 second @ ƒ/2.8, ISO 800, 75 mm



The beautiful Shinto shrine, Fushimi Inari Taisha, dedicated to the Inari God of rice, sake and prosperity. It’s quite impressive to walk through the thousands of Torii, large and gigantic, snaking up the mountain. The main shrines and smaller ones are just as beautiful with details decorated in gold. It makes you wonder how it was possible to build these shrines and torii over a thousand years ago. 

We arrive just before sunset in hopes to avoid the crowds but, though many people were leaving, there was still a lot there. With a bit chance and a lot of patience, we managed to capture a few photos devoid of people. Here, I asked Géraldine to stand behind the lantern so as to cast some light on her face for the shot. Love the mood of this photo.

1/80 second @ ƒ/2.8, ISO 8000, 28 mm



photo of the day

The stunning, ancient, intricate details of the Higashi Honganji Temple next to the simplified, modern architecture of the Kyoto Tower. We got to visit the temple, which is just mind blowing, but didn’t get to visit the tower because of a bomb threat. Yeah, go figure, a bomb threat in Japan. We come back to Kyoto in a few days so, fingers crossed, it’ll be ok to visit then.

I’ll try and post a photo every day while in Japan. But don’t hold me to that.

1/320 second @ ƒ/13, ISO 100, 75 mm