Photography has changed the way I see the world around me.

Through it I discover new things and rediscover old ones. Like my island, New Caledonia.

This blog is just me sharing my world through my photography.

Hope you enjoy.

Posts tagged architecture

Kanazawa, Japan

We only spent one day in Kanazawa and no, it’s not enough to see or do everything they have to offer here. We arrived around 11 am and headed straight for the hotel. Once unpacked, we went back to the Omicho Market, which we walked through to get to the hotel, for some lunch and a bit of a wander.

Kanazawa Castle was only a couple of blocks from the hotel so we headed there next. Wide, open grounds outside as we approached and the same goes for inside the compound. Unbeknown to us, we entered through the main gate called Kahoku-mon. The photo is taken looking back out from where we came in. I saw the huge, wood and metallic doors and frame and used them to, well, frame the Hishi Yagura. Which is a part of the Castle. From the gate to the grounds to the castle, the workmanship, the details, the beauty is amazing. And quite peaceful as you stroll through the grounds. This Castle is a must when visiting Kanazawa.

Once again I used my preferred split-tone preset, at the moment, for this image. Not a lot of colours in the middle of the day and black and white just wasn’t good enough for this photo. And I think it suits this kind of image well.

28 mm, 1/320th second @ ƒ/11, ISO 100


Kyoto, Japan

Our long day in Kyoto and beautiful night in Gion ended with this photo of Yasaka Shrine. Though it was late, around 10 pm, there were still a number of people going in to visit or worship. A stunning shrine located on a main road and surrounded by greenery. Behind this entrance is a huge park with many shrines, gardens and ponds. Magnificent.

I took two photographs of this shrine. This one and another with light trails in the foreground. The light trails weren’t criss-crossing the way I liked so I kept this one. I went with a desaturated look with one of my split-tone presets added on top of it. It’s the same preset I’ve used on a number of other photos from Japan. Now, I wasn’t sure about keeping the dead space in the foreground but without it, the mood of the image changes. It becomes cramped and busy. Not forgetting the aspect ratio changes to panoramic. Keeping it, I found, pulls the viewer back, showing a more tranquil scene. Less busy. Showing a few people instead of a small crowd. Makes all the difference.

We were going to catch a bus, just to the right of the image, back to the motel but when I saw a cab approaching, we jumped in that instead. Home in 10 minutes, fantastic. And the cabs are super clean and quite affordable. We hesitated taking them for the first two, three days of our trip, thinking they were expensive. Hearing they were expensive. Not the case at all. The only time we caught them though was to head home quickly at the end of a night. More sleep. Sleep is important hahaha! Goodnight.

28 mm, 1/30th second @ ƒ/2.8, ISO 3200


Kobe, Japan

We don’t eat a huge amount in the morning so paying for a buffet breakfast at the hotel wasn’t worth our while. The problem though, most places open around 8 am. No matter, we went for a stroll around Meriken Park and Kobe Harborland and checked out a huge shop that opened at 7:30 before coming back here, to Starbucks, for a simple breakfast.

This shot was taken a couple of hour beforehand though. Just before I headed back to the room. I liked the reflection of the sun in the front glass panels and having the Port Of Kobe Tower in the frame, gives the viewer a location. A destination.

28 mm, 1/25th second @ ƒ/11, ISO 100


Kobe, Japan

I got up before sunrise in hopes of a shot of the Kobe Great Bridge all lit up with beautiful light as a backdrop but, unfortunately, neither happened. The bridge lights switched off just as I was setting up and sunrise wasn’t spectacular in any way. There was no interesting compositions either. Port Of Kobe is more beautiful at night than the day.

After the sun had risen, I went for a stroll around the area and saw this Be Kobe sign, meaning Kobe Bay. I realised I didn’t have a photo of our hotel and thought it made for a nice snapshot. Though it was still early morning, there were no interesting shadows, the sky was blue with no interesting cloud structures, it was a pretty bland scene. Thus the black and white conversion. Like I said, just a snapshot of where we stayed.

The Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel is shaped like a ship and is prominent on Port Of Kobe. A luxurious hotel where every room has a view. We had the northern views which looks out towards the city. The best view, in my opinion. We didn’t eat at the hotel but had a nightcap at the View Bar which looks out to the north and west. Apart from a singing pianist, it’s pretty low key and quiet. Perfect to wind down. It was one of two accommodations we splurged on. And it was all for the location and views.

28 mm, 1/10th second @ ƒ/11, ISO 100


Miyajima / Itsukushima Island, Japan

Though there was a thin layer of cloud in the sky, beautiful golden light blanketed the forest. Golden hour was here and had transformed the landscape. It was upon these trees that I first noticed it and seeing the second story of the Tahoto Pagoda protruding above the canopy was too beautiful not to photograph.

I wish I had a longer focal lens though. I would've preferred to have isolated the pagoda within the forest. Minimise distractions and simplify the composition. I like this image nonetheless.

Tahoto pagodas are very interesting and unique in their own right so check out the link above to learn more.

I’ve mentioned this on a previous post but let me stress again that the links I provide on my blog posts are purely provided for extra information and I am in no way remunerated. They are not affiliate, sponsored or commercial links and I am not payed in any way, shape or form to providing these links. If this changes in the future, I will let you know.

75 mm, 1/13th second @ ƒ/11, ISO 100


Miyajima / Itsukushima Island, Japan

Check out my last post if you haven’t seen the torii to this magnificent Itsukushima Shrine. When we arrived for sunset, I was a little disappointed to see it was low tide but glad it was for this shot. Though my friend was cold and we were hungry, we stayed a little longer after blue hour to capture more images. We were only here one night thus wanted to make the most of it. I wanted a centred composition with the reflection but to get it I had to get my feet a bit wet. Well, I tried to avoid it but it was a failed mission. I got the shot I wanted and that’s all that counts.

I have to say I’m blown away by my new camera and lens. It took me a long time to get it but the combination of the Sony a7 III with the Tamron 28-75 mm ƒ/2.8 is just awesome. In regards to this photo, though taken a 30 seconds and ISO 50, the raw file was very dark. Everything behind the shrine and the foreground was in darkness. The dynamic range on the raw file was amazing. I was able to bump up three stops of light noise-free without loosing any sharpness. I’m literally blown away by this camera lens combination and the quality of the images.

28 mm, 30 seconds @ ƒ/11, ISO 50


Hiroshima, Japan

We took a different route from the Peace Memorial Park to get back to Hiroshima Station. Walking by Hiroshima Castle, sometimes called Carp Castle. We didn’t visit the castle itself but could see the tiers of it’s roof from this point and from almost a kilometres back too. We didn’t have the time to spare as we wanted to be in Miyajima before sunset.

This is actually the entrance to the second compound of the castle. You may not know, I surely didn’t, but the castle is a replica of the original which was destroyed by the atomic bomb blast. It now serves as a museum of Hiroshima’s history before World War II. I would’ve loved to have visited it. Though a replica, I still find this architecture amazing.

40 mm, 1/125th second @ ƒ/11, ISO 100


Miyajima / Itsukushima Island, Japan 

photo of the day

Sorry for the last couple of posts but we’ve had some very long days and I’ve been too tired to edit a photo and write a blog post. On the train right now so hopefully I can get a couple of posts written out.

So this photo is of one of only five pagodas of this style in Japan, the Gojunoto Pagoda. It’s quite impressive up close and gorgeous. Situated on Itsukushima Island, also known as Miyajima. It’s where the Great Torii Gate, the entrance to the Itsukushima Shrine, can be found as well. This is a beautiful island and we wish we could’ve stayed, at least, an extra night. Lots to visit and explore. I’m going to leave this one on my bucket list to come back to.

1/40 second @ f/11, ISO 100, 49 mm



photo of the day

The stunning, ancient, intricate details of the Higashi Honganji Temple next to the simplified, modern architecture of the Kyoto Tower. We got to visit the temple, which is just mind blowing, but didn’t get to visit the tower because of a bomb threat. Yeah, go figure, a bomb threat in Japan. We come back to Kyoto in a few days so, fingers crossed, it’ll be ok to visit then.

I’ll try and post a photo every day while in Japan. But don’t hold me to that.

1/320 second @ ƒ/13, ISO 100, 75 mm



I’m sad to say that these are the last photos of our camper-van trip around the north Island of New Zealand. They include the day we left Waitomo and the two full days in Auckland before heading back home to New Caledonia. Not much to show unfortunately as we were quite busy running around shopping for specific things. Alain and I anyway. If you like to see a little more of what we were up to for these three days, check out the videos of these last days

So we woke up on a beautiful, fresh morning. Alain and I went for a stroll around the Roselands Restaurant’s green surroundings. We got a closer look at our friends the donkey and the cattle. Once the beautiful golden hour light appeared through the clouds we took a couple of photos and on the way back to the scamper-van I took another of a different field. The light was so beautiful. These photos are some of my favourites of the trip.

After breakfast it was time to make our way back to Auckland. We had a quick stopover in Hamilton, just to grab a couple things. Once back in Auckland we cleaned out and refilled the waters in the camper-van before returning it. It was our first time traveling in a camper-van and all agreed that we didn’t feel cramped at any time. Yes it’s small but we managed not to step on each other’s feet. A great way to explore New Zealand. A lot freedom to move when ever you like but not stay wherever you’d like, though. Worth doing at least once in a life time.

I got up early one morning in hopes of going to Mount Eden for a couple of photos but it was grey and overcast and raining. I changed my mind and decided to head over to another park I saw on our first day here. It led up to the Auckland War Memorial Museum. A beautiful building with gorgeous surroundings. Check out the video to see a bit of the park. About an hour after sunrise the sun broke through the clouds and I started to regret my decision to come here. Oh well. I took a few photos and headed back to the hotel.

One morning we had a delicious breakfast at Al’s Deli and in the toilet they had a riddle “There’s two twins that live either side of a bridge, and sometimes they cry. What are they?”. Do you know the answer?

Alain and I went to Takapuna on the North Shore to check out a shop. We didn’t find what we were after so we walked around a little and found the Takapuna Beach. It started raining pretty heavy so we quickly took a photo then cover. We headed back into the city to join the girls after that.

Alain took a couple of photos of The Guardian building which I found interesting. I wanted to include them in the blog so I edited them and oh man do I like these photos. I have no idea when he took them but i’m glad he did. For me it’s the Kiwi version of The Daily Planet in Superman. He also took another photo that I really like, the Skytower amongst cranes. Excellent shot.

On the eve of our departure, friends arrived to start their camper-van holiday. After we all had dinner together, the teenagers of both parties wanted to checkout the nightlife but weren’t too confident going out on their own. So we decided to accompany them. I mentioned in the video that the teens were surprised we knew the music. Not much of a surprised since it was old tunes remixed. I don’t know if they believed us. We did feel slightly out of place being the only over 30s in the joint. Well there was one other bloke just hitting his 30s, who came up to us and said “Man, I thought I was the oldest guy here but you guys… f**k!”. Boy didn’t we feel old all of a sudden. Little p***k. Nonetheless we had a great time.

An early morning departure meant we couldn’t have an all-nighter. Not at our age anyway hihihi. Got to the airport early. Checked-in and had breakfast. And that is that, my friends.

That’s it for our little trip around the north Island of New Zealand. I apologise for the bad video quality, I promise I’ll try to improve on that. I hope these videos have helped you in some way or at least entertained you. One more time, a huge thank you to Alain for the use of his photos and videos to help me tell a better story. And to Manu and Paloma for an unforgettable trip. Last but not least, thank you to all of you for watching. Goodnight.

p.s. I haven’t mentioned it before, only because I hadn’t realised, but all the links I provide in my blog posts are NOT affiliate, commercial or sponsored links. I DON’T make any money from these links. I provide them as quick access to extra information, that’s it. If that ever changes, in any way, in the future, I will let you know. Promise.


From across The Last Dock you can see this magnificent building. I have no idea what it’s called nor it’s exact location. I don’t think it was finished long ago as I couldn’t find it on Google Maps but it looks like it situated around Wharf Landing Park in Docklands (Melbourne, Australia), not far from Bolte Bridge. No other buildings around it for now but I’m sure that won’t last long.

I took a few photos of this building at blue hour and in broad daylight. I preferred the later because it had a lot more contrast, which suits the subject better. This is one of those times I wish I had filters. I think this scene is perfect for a very long exposure to smooth out the clouds and the water. The image would’ve had an out-of-this-world kind of mood. And produce a cleaner photo. The filters are on my list of things to buy.

1/1000 sec @ ƒ/5.6, 55 mm, ISO 100


Here is a different perspective of the Melbourne Star Observation Wheel. It looks much larger than my in last post, doesn’t it? Now that I post this photo, I wish I had taken it at blue hour. I think it would have made a beautiful photo with the buildings and the wheel lit up. Oh well, maybe next time.

I had edited this photo in colour at first but quickly realised it was more suited to black & white. The light wasn’t the best and there weren’t enough colours to make the image pop or interesting.

1/400 sec @ ƒ/5.6, 55 mm, ISO 100


A little farther down Newquay Promenade (Melbourne, Australia), I saw these wonderful buildings. The unusual architecture of the spiky, teardrop shaped tower and the leaning twins behind made for a great photo. I didn’t search for a composition here. I saw, I took the shot.

Another day shot so I went for a black & white edit. I darkened the blues to give more contrast to the photo. The sun and the buildings did the rest.

Not much to talk about here. I don’t know the names of the buildings but you’ll see more of them in the next couple of posts.

1/800 sec @ ƒ/5.6, 55 mm, ISO 100


Newquay (Melbourne, Australia) has many high rise buildings along it’s promenade. I’m guessing but I think many of them are residential apartments. We rented one of them in this building called Palladio. Secure building with modern interiors and stunning views. We were on this side and had views of Docklands, Etihad Stadium and the city behind it. Absolutely gorgeous! I took a panorama from our balcony which I will share with you on a later post. For the moment, we’ll keep heading down Newquay Promenade.

This plank looking structure is actually U-shaped and as soon as I walked underneath it, I had to include it in the photo. Quite difficult to get the right angle and I ended up with a sore neck for a few minutes afterwards. Hand-held shot taken late in the morning, which is the reason I went with black & white. The building has no colour and blue skies are just perfect for b&w. I just had to darken the blues, increase the contrast and voilà.

1/1000 sec @ ƒ/3.5, 18 mm, ISO 100


Let’s get a little close and personal with the nab building. I took this shot while strolling along Harbour Esplanade (Melbourne, Australia). The symmetry and colours is what attracted me to photograph this building. My first reaction was to capture the whole building but as I saw the image in the viewfinder of my camera, I realised it wasn’t what caught my eye in the first place. What did was very simple. Lines and colours. So that’s what I photographed.

1/1000 sec @ ƒ/5, 39 mm, ISO 100


So let’s stay on architectural photos and head over to Docklands (Melbourne, Australia). With it’s glass facade and splash of colours, the National Australia Bank (nab) building is a delight to photograph. I was walking through the Etihad Stadium heading back to the hotel when the sun decided to show itself. I hadn’t planned on photographing at sunset as it was very cloudy and it had rained. As I reached this area, the sun decided to show itself, just before dipping below the horizon. Beautiful light appeared and disappear just as quickly. I think it lasted five minutes. Maybe ten but not more than that. I took a couple of photos. Horizontally and vertically. This was the best one.

I knew this shot needed a long shutter but I didn’t have my tripod with me. So I placed the camera on the edge of the cemented fence/railing and used the lens cap and cloths from my bag to prop it up to the right angle. Set the two second timer after the setting the exposure and that’s it. I always made sure the focus was good overtime I changed from horizontal to vertical shot.

1.6 sec @ ƒ/8, 29 mm, ISO 100


The old. The new. The artistic. Some of Melbourne’s architecture is a mix of all three. I just love seeing the new next to the old. The artistic with the old. Such wonderful architecture. These are just some of the photos I took while strolling through the city on my last day in Melbourne (Australia). I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, Melbourne is a beautiful city.


Continuing on with street photography, I took this shot fairly quickly to capture this guy listening to… well, I’m guessing, music. His posture alone would make you think this scene was all set up but not at all. That’s what I love about this photo. I wasn’t going to photograph this building at all and I had actually walked by it only an hour before hand. Seeing this guy with headphones, taking in some sun I had to take a shot. But I wanted to make sure the image showed where he was without photographing the whole building. Unfortunately and stupid me, I was so concentrated on getting the inscription plate in the shot that I focus on that instead of my subject. Silly, silly me.

If you’d like to know more about the Old Treasury Building which is now a museum (Melbourne, Australia), just check out

1/250th @ ƒ/5.6, 55 mm ISO 200


How gorgeous is the interior of the State Library of Victoria? I had the chance to visit while in Melbourne with family. The La Trobe Reading Room with it’s dome ceiling is just stunning! Click on the following link if you’d like to know more about the library and what’s happening there.

To take this vertical panorama, I headed up to the 2nd or 3rd floor to position myself approximately in the middle of the shot. I took nine horizontal exposures from bottom up. Stitched them in Lightroom and the rest of the edits there too. Not the best panorama, I admit, but a nice souvenir of this incredible place.

9 photos at 1/40 sec @ ƒ/3.5, 18 mm, ISO 1600


In this photo you can see in the background, the buildings from my last post. From a different angle though. This is Jones Bay Wharf in Pyrmont (Sydney, Australia). There are a few restaurants and cafes with other businesses located in those warehouses. The old warehouses is what grabbed my attention with the modern yachts around it. If you’ve read my last post, you might have guessed this photo was also taken from the top deck of the P&O Pacific Pearl cruise Ship.

 I tried to get the shot centred but I missed it by that much. A simple, hand held exposure (except for the timing of the shot, apparently). The photo is nothing to brag about but I like the subject and it’s not every day you see things from this perspective.

Again, if you would like to see more photos of the cruise, just pop over to my Instagram @christopheroberthervouet or to which will direct you there as well.

1/200 @ ƒ/8, 38 mm, ISO 200