Photography has changed the way I see the world around me.

Through it I discover new things and rediscover old ones. Like my island, New Caledonia.

This blog is just me sharing my world through my photography.

Hope you enjoy.

Posts tagged d7000

Vallée des Colons, Noumea

Back in 2016 when I didn’t have a camera of my own, my friend Roro lent me his gear. A Nikon D7000, though I didn’t know he had one, it was a camera I had hoped to use one day. And to go with that was the Nikkor 70-300 mm zoom lens, which I was quite impressed with. I’d never used a telephoto zoom lens before and to have only that as your gear, I quickly realised my wide angle landscape photos were no more. But it did open my eye to more detailed shots. Not only in landscapes but also portraits and even macro photography. I’ll explain how I came to photograph this scene in a bit.

I had parked my car and was about to go for a walk when I saw this scene. What captured my eyes was the mountains in the background then all the houses and apartments in the foreground. The mountains are the Réserve Naturelle De La Vallée De La Thy and the Réserve Naturelle Intégrale De La Montagne Des Sources. They were so beautifully lit and even though sunset was still two and half hours away, they had an almost golden colour to them. The trees in the foreground is Ilôt Artificiel (Artificial Island). An oval, man-made island built to naturally circulate the sewage that exit between it and the front of those buildings. The area is commonly known as Sainte Marie because of the bay and another (natural) island of the same name, but this is Vallée Des Colons, one of the oldest suburbs of Noumea. The photo was taken from La Promenade Pierre Vernier towards N’Géa. A beautiful walkway and bike track along the shoreline of Noumea’s southern suburbs. Very popular with the young and old alike.

My instincts for this shot was to go wide but the widest I could go was 70 mm. But I didn’t like the framing at 70 mm so I thought, ok, let’s zoom in. Let’s get in tight and eliminate all the distractions without loosing what caught my eye in the first place. My focal point was obvious, the orange apartments that stood above all the other buildings. The framing came when I was judging the amount of clouds and water to include. And this, is what I ended up capturing. I did try vertical shots but it gave me too much sky and water and that wasn’t pleasing to me. The exposure was straight forward, ISO 100, ƒ/10 aperture and 1/80th shutter speed. Should’ve used a tripod at that speed but, I admit, I was lazy and took the shot hand-held. Thank goodness for the Vibration Reduction (VR) on the lens which helped me get a sharp image. For the focal length used (121 mm), I should have been at 1/125th shutter speed to avoid blur. Post-processing was also straight forward though I did accentuate the golden highlights. I did it by going into the Split-Tone module and using the Highlights eyedropper to select the colour of the clouds and used that to add to the highlights of the overall image. I didn’t touch the Shadows at all. Now the image was a lot closer to what my mind’s eye saw. I like this photo quite a lot.



16Mp Crop Sensor DSLR Camera (body only)

NIKKOR AF-S 70-300 MM ƒ/4.5-5.6 IF-ED VR

Nikon Telephoto Zoom Lens


My best friend's step-father got his pilote license at the end of last year and proposed a flight from Noumea to Boulouparis, Thio, Yate and back to Noumea. I could say no to that. This was back in March and only now had to chance to edit the photos. I'm not very happy with the quality of the photos but the flight was fantastic. My fault for the photos not turning out right. My settings were off. I hope you enjoy these photos. I've got a few more to share later on.


This is Pic Malaoui. It's also known as Chapeau Du Gendarme and is part of the Koghi Mountains (Dumbea, New Caledonia). As you can see, there's a track heading to it's summit. I took this photo to remind me to get my butt into gear and organise an early morning trek up there.


A company had contacted me for a sunset photo over Apogoti Bay but, unfortunately, I hadn't any. I decided to head and scout the area for potential spots and came back with this one. I just had to shoot this amazing sunset over Apogoti Bay (Dumbea, New Caledonia). I almost missed it. I was about to head home when I notice the orange coming through. It's not the best of shots. I rushed it a little. But I'm glad I got it.


Santa relaxing on the shores of Anse Vata (Noumea, New Caledonia) before the busy month ahead. Seriously though, this is a homeless person sleeping in the shade to escape the scorching sun.


I was wandering around Anse Vata (Noumea, New Caledonia) when I thought I'd try my hand at panning. I only had a 70-300 mm lens on me and this was as far back I could get at 70 mm. This was my best shot out of a dozen. Not the best image, I know.


Friends and strangers alike watching pétanque on the shores of Anse Vata (Noumea, New Caledonia). Pétanque is a French bowling game similar to Lawn Bowling. Except it's played with smaller, metal balls (bottom of the picture) and on dirt grounds. A very popular game, here, in New Caledonia.


My attempt at capturing the Super Moon, yesterday. I'm not satisfied with these images but I at least got a few. I didn't think I'd get anything. In New Caledonia, the Super Moon hit it's peak at 00H52 (12:52 a.m.) on Tuesday 15th (November 2016). When I got up at midnight it was overcast and raining. I decided to head out anyway, just in case. Glad I did. It stopped raining and I could get some shot through the occassional clear patch in the clouds. Heading back out in a couple of hours for the moon rise. Unfortunately it's overcast again. Fingers crossed.